Lone Star District
Circle Ten Council
Adventure Card Sale Info
We are excited to offer an adventure card for all Circle 10 units to sell. Please find the attached flyer for more information. This is a risk free fund raiser and we encourage all units to sign up for this great fundraiser!!!!
Don't forget or miss out!
Unit Chair Orientation - February 18th, 6:30 p.m., via Zoom
Card Distribution - March 6 and 8
For questions, please contact Jordan Ray.
OA Ordeal, Feb 28 - March 2
Have you been elected to the OA and haven't attended Ordeal yet? We have a solution for you. Attend Ordeal in February when it is nice and cool. You have 18 months from your callout, but don’t waste this opportunity.
District Crossover, March 2nd, at 4 pm
Join the district and all of the Arrow of Lights cross over into Troops. The Order of the Arrow is hosting a crossover ceremony at Meyers Park in McKinney on Sunday, March 2nd at 4 pm. The cost is $5 per Scout. Each Scout will receiver a totem. (Notice the time is 1 hour later than last year.)
Register here and see who is going where on the left.
Order of the Arrow Unit Elections - December 1st through March 31st
Has your unit scheduled an OA election with the Order of the Arrow yet? We hope to be done by March 1st. However, we can still have them before March 31st. Have your OA Representative or Senior Patrol Leader sign up here.
District News and Successes!
Lone Star District wants to share your successes and what is going on with you all with the rest of the district. If you have any news, photos or events to share, please let us know. We would love to share it through the newsletter, Facebook page and website.
District Calendar - 2024-2025
Friends of Scouting Donation Link
Did you miss your unit's Friends of Scouting presentation? It is not too late to donate anyway.
Here is an online donation link to Circle Ten Council.
Or you can fill out the card they sent you and send it back. Or fill this one, link, out and turn it in at Roundtable or at the Fairview Scout Office.
Help us update your Unit Pin Information
Packs, Troops, and Crews help us make sure people can find you on BeAScout.org
See our Council Lone Star District Webpage.
Check out what is happening here. https://circleten.org/posts/41017/lone-star-district